Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I was completely out of ideas for this blog post. Some friends told me to write about how I have nothing to write about, but I thought, How cliche. I'm not going to do something as lame as that. Sorry, friends. It wasn't a lame idea. I was probably just angry that I didn't think of it myself. So of course, I turned to the internet and typed in "interesting blog post topics."

I scrolled through many suggestions and rejected many suggestions. Too much work, too stupid, too much thinking necessary. You get the picture. Then I stumbled upon a post called "101 Fabulous Blog Topic Ideas" by someone named Molly Greene, a self-proclaimed "Author, Blogger, Blogging Specialist & Coach."

Yup, that's right. Molly Greene will teach you how to make your blog successful in exchange for $45 per hour. She even wrote a book about how to "get subscribers FAST!" Frankly, Molly Greene, I am not impressed. For one, I instantly shy away from those who call themselves specialists at anything without concrete evidence. And I try to avoid book series that have titles such as the "Gen Delacourt Mysteries." It just seems like bad writing and a lack of creativity to me. Also, the covers look like ones you can find on YA fiction novels. Ew.

I know that I don't have a right to judge. I mean, I haven't published any books! But I just can't seem to stop this tirade. It's not completely my fault. I don't try to find the bad in everything, but I think that you have it coming.

In your fabulous ideas, you wrote that a good blogger "does not rant, whine or complain." You say that a good personal essay blog post "entertains, inspires, or generates a positive emotion in your reader."

I don't know what universe you live in, but in my experience, people love ranting, whining and complaining. And we enjoy hearing other people rant, whine and complain about their lives. It makes us feel better about ourselves. It offers us some escape from our own pitiful existence.

It's called schadenfreude. And everyone totally experiences it. If you say you don't, you are either a liar or a very perfect human being (annoyingly perfect).

Molly Greene, I don't believe that you don't enjoy reading rants. Don't be ashamed. It's just human nature. But honestly, don't tell me that I can't rant what I want when I want.


  1. Well on the bright side, you found something to rant about, which is good! I understand wanting to avoid people who claim to be specialists and reading the rants of others. It's always interesting to see what others don't like and why they don't like it. Also, it's fine if you feel that you don't have a right to judge because people will always judge others in some way even if they might not have the right to.

  2. It's ridiculous to say that good bloggers don't rant. Some of my favorite blog posts ever are rants.

  3. I think rants are some of the funniest things to witness as well as read. You just chuckle to yourself and as long as your not the reason for the rant you'll almost always have a good time whether you're reading or witnessing.

  4. I think rants are great! They're often funny and entertaining (as yours is). They also give you something interesting to write about. ;)
